Shores of Senja

Price: $50

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Shores of Senja is a collection of wave recordings from the second largest island in Norway. We spent three days on Senja and recorded a wide variety of waves on different surfaces. This collection includes small to big waves and surfaces like sandy beaches, pebbles, rocks and cliffsides.

We recorded everything with one cardioid stereo pair and one omni stereo pair for added flexibility and options in the mix.

The details:
192kHz/24bit stereo broadcast wave files with embedded metadata. The collection also includes all files converted to 96kHz/24 bit stereo broadcast wave files with embedded metadata.

18 files (omni stereo pair)
18 files (cardioid stereo pair)
18 locations/positions. A picture of every location is included.

Total duration: 1 hour 16 minutes

Extracted size: 5,27 GB (96kHz files), 10,55 GB (192kHz files)

Please read the license agreement and listen to the samples before making a purchase.

NORSONANT Shores of Senja metadata>Download the metadata sheet here (Open office spreadsheet)

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